Postgrad Psyched: PPT Vs. Psat

The demand for highly-trained, licensed, mental health professionals has never been higher. If you're a psych postgrad, you can boost your earning potential and improve your hireability by choosing a postgraduate psychoanalytic training program that helps your gain additional certifications.

Here's how a postgraduate psychoanalytic training program can help you secure a Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Training (PPT) or Psychoanalysis Training (PsaT) certificate.


PPT certifications offer postgraduate psychoanalytic professionals the chance to hone psychoanalysis skills for private practices and other clinical situations.

Dynamics: postgraduate psychoanalytic training programs offer students the chance to learn and apply psychodynamic psychotherapy treatments. These dynamics include both pharmacological and self-soothing psychoanalysis methodologies. Learning to apply psychoanalytical treatments to meet each patient's needs can help you apply the right treatment for the right situation. Psych professionals looking to work with children or at-risk populations can treat their patients by teaching them techniques like meditation, self-talk, journaling, and kinesthetic transference. Because these techniques foster autonomy, they are preferred for younger populations and groups who might not be able to secure consistent treatment.

Mentorship: earning a PPT certificate requires extensive coursework and clinical supervision. The best postgraduate psychoanalytical training program pair students with working professionals to offer both mentorship and professional networking opportunities. Because the culminating assessment to earn a PPT certification requires supervision of actual psychoanalytical cases, having a mentor allows students to feel supported and to have the opportunity to shadow an experienced professional working in the field.


PsaT certifications allow psych postgrads the chance to work in virtually any psychoanalytical situation.

Analysis: helping patients understand their mental health challenges starts by carefully exploring the nuances of their psyche. PsaT training empowers postgrad psych professionals with the skills they need to gather analytical data to help their patients define, categorize, and recognize their unique mental health challenges. To compile this analytical data, postgraduate psychoanalytical training programs offer extensive training in some of the latest psychoanalysis software programs. These cutting-edge programs enhance a practitioner's knowledge with AI learning. This allows psychoanalytical professionals to treat patients with peer-reviewed and evidence-based approaches from around the world.

Rotations: because PsaT certificates require almost twice as many clinical hours as PPT certification, the best postgraduate psychoanalytical training programs offer working professionals the chance to learn in a variety of clinical situations and environments. For instance, you might supervise a case in an institutional situation, in a school, in a private practice, or in a group setting.

To learn more about postgraduate training programs, reach out to an institution like Post Grad Institue
